What documents need to be notarized? Maybe you have been told that a document has to be notarized, and you are unsure of the process. Having a document notarized simply means you need to have a person certified for notarizing documents confirm your identity for the motive of signing a document. Various documents may need to be notarized, such as legal and financial documents, real estate transactions, and healthcare documents.
Documents That Need To Be Notarized
If you have documents to be notarized, you may be wondering if they meet the qualifications for being notarized.
Here are several types of documents that probably will need to be notarized.
Business Leases
Maybe you own a business and need to lease a brick-and-mortar space. In this case, signing a lease for this purpose may mean you need to have it notarized. The owner of the space you are renting from may not let you lease the space until you have the lease notarized prior.
Articles of Incorporation
Starting a new company means you have a lot of additional business to take care of. You may need to acquire Articles of Incorporation documents and send them in. But before you even submit these documents, you may be told that they should be notarized first. If not, they may end up being rejected.
Legal Statements
If you need to send in a legal statement for whatever reason, you will first be told to have it notarized. A legal statement is also known as an affidavit and is just that, a sworn statement that may be used in court as evidence. Depending on the type of case the statement is for, you may be told to have it notarized prior to it being received.
Documents for Employment
After being hired for a new job, you may be required to have certain forms notarized that you filled out. You must be sure to read the forms thoroughly to ensure that you understand the compensation, responsibilities, and job entirely related to your position. This document may need to be notarized before being sent back to the employer. This ensures that you consent to the contract.
Passport Application Forms
Are you applying for a passport for the first time? Don’t be surprised to learn that some documents may be required to be notarized. Or maybe you are renewing your passport and will need to have those forms notarized. Either way, they may not accept these forms without them being notarized.
Certified Copies
If you need to obtain a certified copy of a certain document, such as your birth certificate, or another document, you may also need to have this copy notarized. Or maybe you need to submit a transcript for a school program or job you are applying to. They may also request copies to be notarized.
Mortgage Contracts
There are many documents and contracts involved in buying and selling a home. Documents involved in buying or selling your home may also need to be notarized before you can submit them to a law firm for further processing.