There are several different types of deeds that can be recognized in Nevada. These include a general warranty deed form; a grant, bargain, and sale deed form; and a quitclaim deed form. Each deed type offers different levels of protection to buyers and sellers, so it is important to understand the differences before making a […]
How To Add Guns to My Trust
One part of your estate planning you may neglect is adding guns to your trust. Though they may not seem like a typical asset to manage, guns can be valuable both monetarily and sentimentally. As a result, it’s essential to include firearms in your trust planning. Adding Guns to Your Trust The first step to […]
Child Custody Myths
How often do dads get full custody? For decades, it has been the idea that women typically receive full custody of children more often than men. There are several reasons behind this. However, state laws and perceptions are beginning to change. These changes are more beneficial to children. Additionally, there is a lot of false […]
Child Custody in Nevada
When you get divorced this is a stressful and emotional time in your life. One of your most important concerns is who gets the child custody after divorce in the state of Nevada. Child custody in Nevada is defined by two different forms: physical custody and legal custody. To simplify, physical custody means your child is […]
Deeds in Nevada
In the state of Nevada, property ownership as it relates to real estate requires a deed signed by a person of legal age to indicate ownership or signed by said person’s attorney or an authorized agent. Deed transfers in NV allow you to transfer ownership of a property to another person or entity, including water […]